Sunday, May 4, 2008

Given the name of the blog. . .

I've been thinking about the future, and places to go. So here are some lists.

The Next 5 Countries I will visit (in no specific order)
1. Malaysia
2. Indonesia
3. Viet Nam
4. New Zealand
5. Australia

The 5 Trips I most want to make in the next decade (in no specific order and excluding the above list)
1. Spain/Morocco +/- Portugal (to be honest, I think I'll do Spain in two trips, with Portugal on the second and Morocco on the first)
2. Iceland +/- Greenland
3. Greece/Turkey
4. Brazil
5. South Africa

The 5 Treks I want to make before I die:
1. A Silk Road Trip--basically overland from China to the Mediterranean
2. US Coast-to-Coast (missed a few chances for this one already)
3. A Lehi Trip--more of less, Jerusalem to the Indian Ocean and back around the Gulf.
4. The perimeter of the Black Sea
5. The Americas Tip-to-tip

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